
The IAS-Lab Action Dataset contains 540 video samples:

  • 15 different actions;
  • 12 different people;
  • 3 different attempts.


We asked the subjects to perform well defined actions:

01 0001

1. check watch

02 0001

2. cross arms

03 0001

3. get up

04 0001

4. kick

05 0001

5. pick up

06 0001

6. point

07 0001

7. punch

08 0001

8. scratch head

09 0001

9. sit down

10 0001

10. standing

11 0001

11. throw from bottom up

12 0001

12. throw over head

13 0001

13. turn around 

14 0001

14. walk

15 0001

15. wave


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