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Since 2004, IAS-Lab of the University of Padova realized that the tools and the competencies it has been developing in the field of autonomous robots and artificial intelligence could be applied to industrial robotics. At that time, well in advance on the current trend of Industry 4.0, IAS-Lab understood more intelligence and more perception were needed for industrial robot. For this reason, in 2005, IAS-Lab founded the spin-off company called IT+Robotics srl. The expertise of IAS-Lab on intelligent industrial robots started to grow year after year and IAS-lab was able to win many industrial research grants in the competitive calls of the European Commission.


Sistemi innovativi di Simulazione e Programmazione

di celle di lavoro robotizzate per la piega di lamiere


(Regione Veneto codice 2105/101/10/2214/2009)


Programma Operativo F.S.E. 2007-2013 Regione Veneto
Asse “Occupabilità” D.G.R. n. 2214 del 21/07/2009
Progetto finanziato con DDR n. 126 del 26/10/2009

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