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Brain-Computer Interface (BCI)
w o r k s h o p & h a n d s - o n
s e m i n a r
October 3, 2013
g.tec medical engineering Austria and The University of Padua


BCI workshop

Research into Artifacts - Center for Engineering (Race)
University of Tokyo - Kashiwa Campus, Tokyo Metropolitan Area (Japan)
Intelligent Autonomous Systems Laboratory (IAS-Lab)
Dept. of Information Engineering (DEI), University of Padua (Italy)

Rehabilitation robots: advancements and perspectives

robotica2011 header

IEEE ICRA 2010 Workshop on

Omnidirectional Robot Vision

May, 7, 2010, Anchorage, Alaska, U.S.A.

Insegnare la Robotica - Insegnare tramite l'uso dei robot


robotica 2010

Humanoid Soccer Robots

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