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July 22nd, 2022- IAS-Lab teams wins the SMACT Call 4 Ideas 2022 

The team of IAS-Lab (Bacchin, Ghidoni, Menegatti) headed by Emanuele Menegatti won the first price of "SMACT Call 4 Ideas 2022" in the "Zero-waste & green transition" trajectory. This is a monetary award of 10.000 € for developing the proposed "Waste Sorting Robot based on Deep-Learning". This project is also founded by PON 2021, with the PhD scholarship of Alberto Bacchin.

(Link for more information: )

Bacchin SMACT




July 6th, 2022 - IAS-Lab team wins the ADAPT competition.

The IAS-Lab team composed by Matteo Terreran (team leader), Daniele Evangelista, Davide Allegro, Emanuele Menegatti and Stefano Ghidoni won the 1st ADvanced Agile ProducTion (ADAPT) field campaign competition organized by Tampere University, Finland, in the context of the Metrics European project. The team ranked first in both the video track and the live demo track.


 Curami Matteo




February 7th, 2022 - Prof. Bruno Siciliano visited IAS-Lab

Afterward prof. Siciliano gave an invited talk at the Dept. of Information Engineering.


IMG 4906




June 13-16, 2022 - Zagreb, Croatia -17th International Conference on INTELLIGENT AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS (IAS-17)




Intelligent Autonomous Systems are increasingly applied in areas ranging from industrial applications to professional service and household domains. New technologies and application domains push forward the need for research and development resulting in new challenges to be overcome in order to apply Intelligent Autonomous Systems in a reliable and user-independent way. Recent advances in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Adaptive Control enable autonomous systems with improved robustness and flexibility.

IAS-17 will provide an inspiring forum of scientists, engineers, and students coming from all around the world to present and discuss the latest scientific results, technologies and ideas enabling Intelligent Autonomous Systems to perform in a safe, skillful and robust manner handling uncertainty and unforeseen events.



May 2021Intelligenza artificiale & Robotica per l’industria 4.0 - Corso per aziende

Sono aperte le iscrizioni al corso per aziende Intelligenza artificiale & Robotica per l’industria 4.0, organizzato dal Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione dell'Università di Padova.

Il corso mira a formare le aziende sulle più avanzate tecnologie in ambito Intelligenza Artificiale e Robotica, creando un dialogo tra UNIPD e imprese del territorio presentando le competenze dell’Ateneo nel settore.Tutti i docenti coinvolti sono infatti inseriti in una vasta rete di professionisti a livello europeo e permettono di creare nuove opportunità di networking per la ricerca ed il business.

Screen Shot 2021 04 13 at 095756

Il programma, strutturato su tre incontri, è sviluppato da UniSMART – Fondazione dell’Università degli Studi di Padova, con la Direzione Scientifica del Prof. Emanuele Menegatti. Saranno coinvolti docenti dei Dipartimenti di Ingegneria, di Matematica, di Economia e dei Beni Culturali attivi   nell’ambito dell’Intelligenza Artificiale e della Robotica.

Le docenze si terranno in lingua italiana e con presentazione in aula di casi d’uso reali.

Scadenza iscrizione: 9 maggio.

Per maggiori informazioni:



November 16th, 2020 - WHI team wins again the Gold Metal at the BCI Race Cybathlon 2020

The WHi Team of the IAS-Lab won the gold metal at the BCI Race of the Cybathlon 2020. The dream team includes Francesco Bettella, the pilot, and the IAS-Lab members Gloria Beraldo, Luca Tonin, Stefano Tortora and Emanuele Menegatti.

The 2020 edition of Cybathlon took place in virtual mode in November 13th and 14th. It involved more than 60 teams from over 20 countries. All teams have safely pre-registered their matches, and the results have been classified until the day of the event. In the first edition of 2016, 66 drivers and 56 teams from 25 nations competed in front of an audience of 4,600 people in the Zurich arena. In 2019, the WHI Team had already participated in the Cybathlon Series held in Graz, winning the gold medal in the Brain-Computer Interface discipline.

The WHI Team had already participated in the Cybathlon Series held in Graz in 2020, also winning the gold medal.



Cybathlon is the first international neurorobotic championship where athletes with motor disabilities compete in six disciplines supported by advanced assistive technologies. In the BCI Race discipline, pilots with tetraplegia use their own brain signals to control an avatar via a brain-computer interface (BCI) system. The system acquires the pilot's electroencephalogram and translates it into three different commands to turn the avatar to the right, to the left or to turn the lights on. The pilot must send the correct command according to the point of the track where he is and make the avatar accelerate.





October 30th, 2020 - Gloria Beraldo wins Premio Torasso Award

Gloria Beraldo, Ph.D. student at DEI under the supervision of Prof. Emanuele Menegatti and prof. Luca Tonin, won the "Premio Torasso" Award - PhD student edition during the conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, AIxIA 2020. The award is for the best video explaining the contribution to Artificial intelligence field in the PhD student's thesis. 


October 22th, 2020 - DIGITALmeet on technologies and implications of creating conscious robot

Prof. Emanuele Menegatti and prof. Enrico Facco of the University of Padova, prof. Antonio Chella of the University of Palermo, and prof. Hiroshi Ishiguro of the Osaka University were invited to DIGITALmeet 2020 to discuss the technologies and implications of creating conscious robot.
The debate on AI and consciuosness is very lively and vital; the crucial point is whether consciousness can be implemented in a computer or in a robot or if it is something that escapes the computational models, belonging exclusively to the world of biology.
DIGITALmeet is the biggest Italian festival on digital literacy, which is at its 7th edition.

I proff. Emanuele Menegatti e Enrico Facco dell'Università di Padova, il prof. Antonio Chella dell'Università di Palermo e il prof. Hiroshi Ishiguro dell'Università di Osaka sono stati invitati al DIGITALmeet 2020 per parlare delle tecnologie e implicazioni connesse alla creazione di robot coscienti. Il dibattito sull'Intelligenza Artificiale e sulla coscienza  è molto vivace; l'aspetto cruciale è se la coscienza può essere implementata in un computer o in un robot, oppure se essa sfugga ai modelli computazionali per appartenere solo al mondo della biologia.


October 14th, 2020 - Third prize as Best Student Paper Award at the IEEE SMC 10th Workshop on Brain-Machine Interface (BMI) Systems

The IAS-Lab members Gloria Beraldo, Stefano Tortora, Emanuele Menegatti and Luca Tonin won the third prize as Best Student Paper Award at the IEEE SMC 10th Workshop on Brain-Machine Interface (BMI) Systems held virtually in October 11-14 for tha paper “ROS-Neuro: implementation of a closed-loop BMI based on motor imagery”.

The goal of the Workshop is to provide a forum to present research results, and facilitate the interaction and intellectual exchange. The Workshp invites contributions reporting the latest advances, innovations and applications in BMIs, including the integration of BMIs with virtual/augmented reality, affective BMIs, hybrid BMIs, deep learning for BMIs, neurorehabilitation, new neuroimaging modalities and sensor technologies, as well as emerging neurotechnology applications, all topics which offer tremendous opportunities for multi-disciplinary research.


September 11th, 2020 - Best Paper Award at EFTA 2020, the conference on emerging technologies

The IAS-Lab members Daniele Evangelista, Matteo Terreran and Emanuele Menegatti togerther with professors Michele Moro and Carlo Ferrari won the Best (Work in Progress) Paper Award in the category of Emerging Technologies  at the ETFA2020-International Conference of Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation in Wien for the paper “3D Mapping of X-Ray Images in Inspection of Aerospace Parts”


September 17th, 2019 - Gold metal at the BCI Race in Graz for Francesco Bettella and the IAS-Lab team

The WHi Team of the IAS-Lab won the gold metal at the BCI Race of the Cybathlon series in Graz. They are Francesco Bettella, the pilot, together with the IAS-Lab members Gloria Beraldo, Luca Tonin, Stefano Tortora and Emanuele Menegatti.

Silver medal to the Austrian team Mirage62, and bronze to the British team NeuroCONCISE.

Cybathlon is the first international neurorobotic championship where athletes with motor disabilities compete in six disciplines supported by advanced assistive technologies. In the BCI Race discipline, pilots with tetraplegia use their own brain signals to control an avatar via a brain-computer interface (BCI) system. The system acquires the pilot's electroencephalogram and translates it into three different commands to turn the avatar to the right, to the left or to turn the lights on. The pilot must send the correct command according to the point of the track where he is and make the avatar accelerate.

The WHi Team is training for the 2020 Cybathlon event taking place in Zurich, Switzerland.




Il WHi Team dello IAS-Lab ha vinto a Graz la medaglia d'oro alla BCI Race delle Cybathlon Series. Fanno parte della squadra il pilota Francesco Bettella, insieme ai membri dello IAS-Lab, Gloria Beraldo, Luca Tonin, Stefano Tortora e Emanuele Menegatti.

Argento al team austriaco Mirage 62, e bronzo ai britannici di NeuroCONCISE.

Il Cybathlon è il primo campionato internazionale di neurorobotica dove atleti con disabilità motorie si sfidano in sei discipline, coadiuvati da avanzate tecnologie assistive. Nella disciplina della BCI Race, i piloti affetti da tetraplegia utilizzano i propri segnali cerebrali per controllare un avatar tramite un sistema di brain-computer interface (BCI). Il sistema acquisisce l’elettroencefalogramma del pilota e lo traduce in tre diversi comandi per far girare l’avatar a destra, a sinistra o per accendere le luci. Il pilota deve inviare il comando corretto a seconda del punto della pista in cui si trova per far accelerare l’avatar.

Il WHi Team si sta allenando in vista dell’evento Cybathlon 2020 che si terrà a Zurigo in Svizzera. 


July 2019 - Emanuele Menegatti new Associate Editor of Frontiers in Neurorobotics

Prof.Emanuele Menegatti has been invited as Associate Editor of the journal Frontiers in Neurorobotics. More information about the journal at the following link: We wish all the best to Emanuele for his new task.


June 27th, 2019 - Second prize as Best Poster Award at the workshop From BCI to Human Robot Augmentation

Our work Towards Neurorobotics: from human intention to action through intelligent assistive robotics won the second prize as Best Poster Award at the workshop From BCI to Human Robot Augmentation, held in London from 23 to 26 June 2019. Our PhD student Stefano Tortora presented the paper, and the co-authors are Gloria Beraldo, Stefano Michieletto, Francesca Stival, e Emanuele Menegatti.


4 giugno 2019In diretta su Caterpillar Rai Radio 2 Emanuele Menegatti illustra il progetto Soft Act

Emanuele Menegatti, intervistato dalla trasmissione Caterpillar di Rai Radio 2, parla in diretta nazionale dell'esoscheletro 'soffice' sviluppato dall'Università di Harvard, e del progetto europeo Soft Act, che cercherà di farlo muovere. Il progetto Soft Act, appena iniziato, è nato in collaborazione con la prof.ssa Alessandra De Felice del Padova Neuroscience Center. Trovate qui l'audio della trasmissione e al minuto 33:05 l'intervista, che spiega molto bene l'obbiettivo del progetto e la collaborazione con Harvard. Ancora una volta l'Italia e l'Università di Padova all'avanguardia nei progetti robotici.


September 4 - 6, 2019 - Settima Edizione del corso di formazione per insegnanti sulla Robotica Educativa

Aperte le iscrizioni alla VII edizione del Corso di Formazione per insegnanti Robotica Educativa a Scuola, che si terrà come sempre al Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione dell'Univesità di Padova mercoledì 4, giovedì 5 e venerdì 6 settembre 2019. Potete vedere a questo link il programma, in cui troverete anche la scheda per registrarvi.

Connettersi con la scuola del futuro è possibile!


March 25th, 2019 Robotica Educativa al DEI per il Festival della Cultura Creativa

Nell'ambito del Festival della Cultura Creativa, sostenuto da BNL e in collaborazione con Scuola di Robotica, due scuole secondarie di primo grado, la M.Fanno di Saonara e la M.Todesco di Padova sono state ospiti del Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione dell'Università di Padova per una esperienza di robotica educativa. Dopo una rapida introduzione su cos'è un robot e su come può essere utile per compiti ripetitivi o pericolosi, il prof. Emanuele Menegatti e il prof. Michele Moro, docenti del Dipartimento, hanno affidato ai ragazzi i kit Mindstorm della Lego; il compito era quello di costruire con i componenti in dotazione un robot spazzino, e di programmarlo perchè facesse un percorso prestabilito, con fermate fisse per raccogliere la spazzatura dai bidoncini.

L'idea alla base della Robotica Educativa è quella del learning by doing, per cui il robot non è il fine, ma il mezzo per l'apprendimento attivo, secondo i principi del Costruzionismo di Seymour Papert.


BNL SdR Occhio di pesce MIN

April 23rd, 2018 Sesta edizione del corso di formazione per insegnanti sulla Robotica Educativa

Si terrà mercoledì 5, giovedì 6 e venerdì 7 settembre 2018 presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione dell'Università di Padova il corso di formazione per insegnanti Introduzione della Robotica Educativa nella Didattica Scolastica Istituzionale. La robotica può essere uno straordinario strumento didattico multidisciplinare, e il corso è aperto a insegnanti di tutte le materie, anche umanistiche, attivi nelle scuole di ogni ordine e grado. Per i partecipanti, restarà a disposizione tutto l'anno uno sportello online per porre domande e discutere situazione applicative reali. Le schede con le domande di partecipazione dovranno arrivare entro il 4 giugno. Chi verrà selezionato sarà avvisato personalmente.

Maggiori informazioni al link

Trovate qui la scheda da compilare come domanda di partecipazione (Scheda di Registrazione)


May 18th, 2017

Sta per partire la 5° edizione del "Corso di apprendimento permanente per insegnanti sulla Robotica Educativa" ( Qui trovate la scheda di iscrizione: Le iscrizioni sono aperte fino al 4 giugno 2017.


March 22th, 2017

Desert Lion, the team of IAS-LAB, took part at the MBZIRC Challenge and... IAS-Lab is bronze medal (3rd place).
Together with the team composed by Czech Technical University in Prague, University of Pennsylvania and University of Lincoln, the IAS-LAB team take part in the Grand Challenge <>.
The joined team scored third: <> and so we are bronze medal.
Congratulation to all IAS-Lab members which worked very hard for this result.


September 26th, 2016

Mercoledì 19 ottobre 2016 alle ore 16, presso l'Accademia Galileiana (Sala del Guariento, Via Accademia 7), si terrà il XVI seminario annuale di tecnologie dell'informazione in cui sarà affrontato il tema  dei nuovi sviluppi assunti dalla robotica educativa in qualità di strumento di supporto all'apprendimento nella scuola del XXI secolo. Terranno il seminario i prof. Emanuele Menegatti e Michele Moro del Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione. 

Cliccando qui potrete visionare il volantino del seminario.


May 27th, 2016

In Aula Magna A. Lepschy took place the workshop "Embodied-Brain System Science and Robotics Engineering for Rehabilitation", with the contribution of researchers from Tokyo and from IAS-Lab.

Here is the program of the meeting.


May 1st, 2016

IAS-Lab has been selected for participation and for receiving a sponsorship to participate to the Mohamed Bin Zayed International Robotics Challenge (MBZIRC), that will take place in Abu Dhabi on February 2017. Here a list of the selected teams:


March 29th, 2016

Jeff Burke and Matteo Munaro will demonstrate OpenPTrack at the GPU Technology Conference (GTC) on April 6. Their presentation, “Real-Time Person Tracking on Jetson with OpenPTrack", will provide an overview of OpenPTrack, real-world deployments, and the technology roadmap using the NVIDIA Jetson, for which OpenPTrack has recently been optimized.
GTC is the largest annual event for GPU developers; this year it will be held April 4-7 at the San Jose McEnery Convention Center, San Jose, California.

The recording of the talk is available here:


February 16th, 2016

IAS-Lab attended the FOCUS Expert Workshop, as part of the Focus project. The meeting held at Brussels, Crowne Plaza Hotel-Le Palace.
Here is the program of the meeting.


December 2-3 , 2015

IAS-Lab and Litte Lab participate in Genoa to the kick-off meeting of the European project RoboESL (a part of the project Erasmus+). The aim of RoboESL is to support school to tackle early school leaving (ESL) introducing robot in the extra curriculum activities. The coordinator of the project is “Liceo Fermi” of Genoa. The other partners, in addition to the department of Information Engineering of the University of Padua, are the department of Education of the University of Latvia, School of Robotics of Genoa, the European Lab for Educational Technology (Edumotiva) and some schools of Latvia and Greece.




May 5th, 2015

Matteo Munaro will give a talk entitled "OpenPTrack: Extending people tracking to RGB-D camera networks" at Microsoft on May the 11th in Redmond and at Google on May the 13th in Mountain View. 


April 7th, 2015

OpenPTrack is on Twitter! You can now follow this open source project for multi-camera people tracking also here: @OpenPTrack and @UCLAREMAP.


January 26th, 2015

IAS-Lab at the Interdepartmental Centre for Research in Viticulture and Enology of Conegliano, the final conference of the project Dodich. The speakers' presentations are available here.


September 25th, 2014

IAS-Lab presentation of the EuRoC project and of the possibilities it offers to Master students at the Deparment of Information Engineering of the University of Padova.


July 18th, 2014

At the conferenceIAS-13 (13th International Conference onIntelligentAutonomous Systems) held at theCongress CentrePadua"Papa Luciani", IAS-Labpresentsthe robotthat recognizes andfollowsthe personmovement. Here is the video published by "Il Mattino" di Padova.


June 24th, 2014

Michele Palmia won the prize "FONDAZIONE LUCIANO IGLESIAS" for his master thesis "Design and implementation of a system for mutual knowledge among cognition-enabled robots", with supervisor Enrico Pagello and co-supervisor Mauro Antonello.


June 16th, 2014

The Department of Computer Science at the Brown University (Providence, USA) uses the people detector developed at the IAS-Lab with its PR2 robot. Here it is a picture of a people following demo running our people detector at the World Science Festival 2014 in New York City. Image courtesy of Chad Jenkins and Lingzhu Xiang.



June 4th, 2014

Today IAS-Lab meets young engineers of 1st and 3rd year of BSc in Information Engineering. We showed the current research activities of our lab and invited them to join the lab.



June 2nd, 2014

"Mattino di Padova" talked about IAS-Lab and its research activities and future projects.
Printed Article
Online Article

May 12th, 2014

IAS-Lab will attend the 2nd of RoboBusiness Europe that will be held at LEGOLAND® Hotel & Conference Center in Billund, DENMARK. RoboBusiness Europe is a first-of-its-kind robotics event for the continent. The purpose of RoboBusiness Europe is to provide a platform for robotic developers and end-users to meet and, thus, to bridge the development within robotics with the end-users’s needs.


May 6th, 2014

IAS-Lab will participate to Wired Next Fest 2014 in Milano. We will show demonstrations of our algorithms for people tracking and our robot in action.
Furthermore, on Sunday 18th May at 14:30, the current research activities of the lab will be presented during an oral talk.


April 28th, 2014

Elisa Tosello held an invited talk during the 2nd ROS-I Community Forum Webinar about non real-time ROS interface for real-time COMAU controllers developed by IAS-Lab.


April 22nd, 2014

IAS-Lab meets young innovators of the future by exposing some demos on recent technological advances in robotics at "Sperimentando 2014". An experimental laboratory on "Learning how to program a robot" will be taught by Stefano Michieletto during the same exhibit.


February, 23r, 2014

"Corriere delle alpi" interviewed Team EXiM (Francesco Ferrati, Roberto Bortoletto, Emanuele Menegatti and Enrico Pagello) about their future projects.


February 8th, 2014

Matteo Munaro and Stefano Michieletto have been selected for participation in the Kinect for Windows Developer Preview Program


February 5th, 2014

The weekly "TuttoScienze" by "La Stampa" interviewed Elisa Tosello about her contribution to the Robotics community.


February 2nd, 2014

RobotWood team sponsored by IAS-Lab and guided by Stefano Michieletto won the access to the FLL national fase during the Nord-Est interregional qualification.


December 7th, 2013

Elisa Tosello won Dr. Kanako Miura Travel Grant, a prize which aims to assist female PhD and MS students entering the Robotic field with travel to Humanoids 2013 in Atlanta. Read the news on the weekly "D" by "La Repubblica".


September 26th, 2013

Team EXiM (Francesco Ferrati, Roberto Bortoletto, Emanuele Menegatti and Enrico Pagello) won first prize (10.000 euros prize money) in the business plan competition startCup Veneto 2013. The Business Idea regards an exoskeleton for the assistance of people living with spinal cord injury and the development of a software suite for the processing of the acquired clinical data. Read the full article published on "Il gazzettino di Padova".


October 3rd, 2013

Workshop of Brain Computer Interface (BCI) in collaboration with g.tec Medical Engineering at the IAS-Lab. Program available here


August 13th, 2013

Matteo Munaro has been added among the scientists collaborating with the Open Perception foundation.

May 2nd, 2013

Matteo Munaro will give an invited talk at PCL Tutorial during the ICRA 2013 conference in Karlsruhe, Germany.
Title: "People Detection in RGB-D Data".
Date: Friday 10 May 2013, 16:25 - 16:50.
Room: Clubraum.


April 25th, 2013

Matteo Munaro has been selected as a developer for a PCL code sprint sponsored by the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
The efforts will be focused on developing algorithms for human detection and tracking, out of 2D camera imagery fused with 3D point cloud data (coming from ASUS XtionPRO cameras).


News archiv

April 4th, 2013

Matteo Munaro and Filippo Basso released BSD licensed code for creating target-specific color classifiers with Online Adaboost (download here), as described in F. Basso, M. Munaro, S. Michieletto and E. Menegatti. Fast and robust multi-people tracking from RGB-D data for a mobile robot. In Proceedings of the 12th Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS) Conference, Jeju Island (Korea), 2012


March 10th, 2013

First Lego League Italia: RobotWood team sponsored by IAS-Lab and guided by Stefano Michieletto gained the 8th place and won the Best Robotics Performance Prize.


February 20th, 2013

Matteo Munaro contributed to the Point Cloud Library a module for people detection with RGB-D data.
Here it is the link to a tutorial explaining how to use it:


January 19th, 2013

RobotWood team sponsored by IAS-Lab and guided by Stefano Michieletto won the Centro-Sud interregional qualification and will access to the national fase.


January 9th, 2013

Emanuele Menegatti will give an invited talk at Workshop Robotica 2013 in Treviso.
Friday 25 January 2013
Auditorium S. Pio X 9.00 - 13.00


December 8th, 2012

Gioia Ballin won the prize "inTESI 2012" for her master thesis "Human Action Recognition from RGB-D Frames" with supervisor Emanuele Menegatti and co-supervisor Matteo Munaro.

Martino Minella won the prize "inTESI 2012" for her master thesis "Tecniche di analisi di difetti in pezzi metallici e in fibra di carbonio mediante analisi di immagini termiche" with supervisor Emanuele Menegatti and co-supervisor Stefano Ghidoni.

Morris Soragni won the prize "inTESI 2012" for her master thesis "Sistema client-server per la gestione della telecamera Omidome" with supervisor Emanuele Menegatti and co-supervisor Stefano Ghidoni.


December 4th, 2012

With more than 90 participating organisations in 21 European countries and over 200 robotics related activities offered for the public, the second European Robotics Week was a tremendous success!!
Please refer to the Press Room on to download pictures and other information.


November 18th, 2012

Edmond So, Stefano Michieletto, and Emanuele Menegatti won the Best Paper Award at IEEE International Symposium on RObotic and Sensors Environments (ROSE 2012)

 for the paper:

E. So, S. Michieletto, and E. Menegatti. "Calibration of a Dual-Laser Triangulation System for Assembly Line Completeness Inspection"; IEEE International Symposium on RObotic and Sensors Environments (ROSE 2012); Magdeburg, Germany; 2012, pp.138-143.


November 13th, 2012

 A tutti gli interessati,

volevamo avvisarvi che nei giorni di giovedì 29 e venerdì 30 novembre 2012 dalle ore 9:00 alle ore 18:00,
nell'ambito della 2a Settimana Robotica Europea (,
il laboratorio di Sistemi Autonomi Intelligenti (IAS-Lab) dell'Università di Padova si apre alla visita del pubblico,
in particolare degli studenti della scuola secondaria.
Durante la visita verranno brevemente presentate le attività di ricerca in corso nel laboratorio e si potrà assistere ad alcune dimostrazioni
con robot in azione, in particolare umanoidi. Si parlerà anche di robotica educativa con esempi realizzati mediante Lego Mindstorms NXT e Arduino.

Se desiderate partecipare con la vostra classe all'iniziativa, dovete prenotarvi
mandando un mail all'indirizzo This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." data-mce-href="mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. con le seguenti indicazioni:
- Denominazione, tipo e indirizzo della scuola;
- Classe (1a, 2a, ecc.);
- Numero di studenti partecipanti;
- Nome accompagnatore/i;
- Data e orario preferenziale (almeno 2 opzioni).


Se invece preferite venire voi con la vostra famiglia o suggerirlo ai singoli studenti per una visita personale ,
vi preghiamo di avvisarli di prenotarsi con una mail al medesimo indirizzo sopra indicato
e con queste informazioni:
- Nome e Cognome;
- Città di provenienza;
- Tipo di scuola e classe frequentata;
- Data e orario preferenziale.

Se avete bisogno di maggiori informazioni sull'evento, inviate una mail di
richiesta all'indirizzo di cui sopra.

Precisiamo che il giorno 30/11/2012 l'attività sarà concomitante con l'Open Day promosso dal
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione dell'Università di Padova.

Vi ringraziamo per l'attenzione, cordiali saluti.
proff. Emanuele Menegatti e Michele Moro


November 12th, 2012

IAS-Lab joined EuRobotics Week. You can also join our events:
29/11 - AutonomousRobotics@UNIPD>

30/11 - Robotics@OpenDEI>
or play an active role in the other
European Events.


October 13th, 2012

Emanuele Menegatti co-organized the workshop BCI and robotics control at ROBOTICA 2012 in Milan.
Chair: Emanuele Menegatti (Università degli studi di Padova)
Chair: Piero Paolo Battaglini (Università degli studi di Trieste)
Friday 9 November 2012
Sala Vukobratovic 10.30 - 17.30


September 28th, 2012

IAS-Lab attended VenetoNight to show the demo "Control your robot".





June 19th, 2012

The programme of ROBOTICA 2012 has been published!
Robotica 2012

April 27th, 2012

Gioia Ballin, graduated with the master thesis "Human Action Recognition from RGB-D Frames" (with supervisor Emanuele Menegatti and co-supervisor Matteo Munaro), has been selected for the Google Summer of Code as a developer of the Point Cloud Library


April 20th, 2012

The Service Robotics - Robotics Research Campus website is now online. This is a joint project involving the IAS-Lab of the University of Padova, Telecom Italia, the Robotics Research Group of the Politecnico di Torino and the BioRob Group of the CNR-IEIIT U.O. of Genova.


January 11th, 2012

We organized a scientific bilateral meeting between the RACE center of the University of Tokyo - Kashiwa Campus and the IAS-Lab. Here it is the meeting program.


December 15th, 2011

Carlo Giuliani won the prize "inTESI 2011" for his master thesis "Riconoscimento di facce in un sistema di visione distribuito (Face recognition in a distributed vision system)", with supervisor Emanuele Menegatti and co-supervisor Salvatore Anzalone.

Daniele Alberton won the prize "inTESI 2011" for his master thesis "Sistema di visione industriale per il controllo qualità in 3D (Industrial vision system for 3D quality inspection)", with supervisor Emanuele Menegatti, related to the 3D Complete European Project.


November 19th, 2011

Our spin-off IT+Robotics attended the Robotica 2011 and BiMec 2011 fairs in Milan.

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