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 Intelligent Distribuited Video Systems

for Surveillance & Quality Inspection

(EU - Regione Veneto Project No. 2105/201/4/1268/2008)


F.S.E. Program no. 2007-2013 Regione Veneto
Asse “Capitale Umano” D.G.R. n. 1268 del 26/05/2008
Progetto finanziato con DDR n. 112 del 15/10/2008




The aim of the Project is the research and development of Intelligent Distribuited Vision Systems

for use in two topic scenarios: Surveillance and Quality Inspection.





The most recent  surveillance applications require the development of a distribuited vision system in which different video/audio sensors are able to share information and co-operate in an intelligent andautonomous way.

The main objective of the project is the development of a system which will be able to:

  • perform an intelligent data fusion procedure
  • detect anomalous events
  • let different sensors co-operate in order to track the target movement on the scene

The main steps to reach this result  (leading to a solution which has to be applied from home security to factory/storage security) are:

  • Step 1 (common to both Project Tasks)
  1. Development and implementation of a middleware for managing multimedia data streamings. This middleware is fundamental in such systems in order to let different sensors to share information and to let the user set the distribuited system parameters through a remote monitoring application.
  2. Development of a multi-vision system calibration procedure (both for non-overlapping and overlapping fields scenarios)
  3. Development of data-fusion algorithms for integrating information retrieved from different vision systems (omni and standard cameras)Development of co-operative algorithms for distribuited intelligent systems.
  • Step 2
  1. Development of a common platform for eterogeneous sensors and applications
  2. Development of distribuited alorithms for detection and tracking
  3. Develompent of algorithms for events/objects recognition


Development of a distribuited video system for monitoring of large areas in which different sensors co-operate and share data streams in order to track people and events in the area of interest.





The main purpose of this Task is the development of a distributed vision system for quality inspection. The system will be able to look at the target product from different point of view and perform the control quality routine with proper speed and accuracy. These features will lead to:

  1. reduced cost per unity quality control
  2. augmented control speed
  3. augmented control accuracy
The main steps for this Task are:
  • Step 1 (common to both Project Tasks)
  1. Development and implementation of a middleware for managing multimedia data streamings. This middleware is fundamental in such systems in order to let different sensors to share information and to let the user set the distribuited system parameters through a remote monitoring application.
  2. Development of a multi-vision system calibration procedure (both for non-overlapping and overlapping fields scenarios)
  3. Development of data-fusion algorithms for integrating information retrieved from different vision systems (omni and standard cameras)Development of co-operative algorithms for distribuited intelligent systems.
  • Step 2
  1. Development of algorithms for automatic calibration of the system for a given inspection scenario;
  2. Development of algorithms for optimal camera placing depending on target geometry and surface texture;
  3. Development of a system for automatic estimation of an optimal lighting technique for  the requested defect detection;
  4. Data Logging & statistics



Development of a distribuited vision system for quality inspection for different product types and defects. 




  • June 18-19 2009: iDVS @ SMAU BUSINESS 2009 - Fiera di Bologna, Italy
  • May 2009: visiting CIELLE (Treviso, Italy)
  • May 2009: iDVS Project partecipates to "Forum della Ricerca e Innovazione" (University of Padua) -  Centro Culturale Altinate, Padova (Italy)
  • May 6-7 2009: presenting the iDVS Project @ SMAU BUSINESS 2009,  Fiera di Padova (Italy)




Emanuele Menegatti

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Stefano Ghidoni

Fellow Researcher

Riccardo Marogna

Fellow Researcher




Zignago Vetro Spa


Videotec Spa

Confindustria Padova

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