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  • fibremap_940x230.jpg
  • intro1b_940x230.jpg
  • intro2_940x230.jpg
  • intro3b_940x230.jpg
  • intro4_940x230.jpg

In this experience you have to control a humanoid robot in order to reproduce human motion captured by an RGB-D sensor like Microsoft Kinect. In practice, you have to apply and adapt the knowledge acquired in the fourth experience to a real robot: the Robovie-X (Figure 1).


Developing your code, take care of the differences between simulated and real system and describe your feeling in your reports.

The package used to move the Robovie-X is robovie_x_controller. It is precompiled and you cannot look at this package code. It receive a JointState message and so you can try it using the joint_state_pubblisher you saw during last experience. To download this package follow these instructions:

cd projects
svn co --username ros \
rospack profile && rosstack profile

Since it is precompiled there is no need to build it.

If you have a 32bit operating system running on your pc, use the following instructions before to run the controller.

roscd robovie_x_controller/bin
rm robovie_controller
ln -s x86/robovie_controller robovie_controller

You can try the application using:

roslaunch robovie_x_model xacrodisplay.launch
rosrun robovie_x_controller robovie_controller

Once your robot respond well at your movements, try to make it walk.

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