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  • intro4_940x230.jpg

cd ~/projects
mkdir PCL_lab3
cd PCL_lab3
svn co --username pcl \ .

Type the password.

mkdir dataset
cd dataset
svn co --username pcl \ .

If required retype the password.

rospack profile && rosstack profile
roscd PCL_lab3
cmake -G"Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles"
rosmake PCL_lab3

Some examples of what you can do with this program:

roscd PCL_lab3/bin
./iccv2011_tutorial \
dataset/minimouse/minimouse1.pcd \
dataset/minimouse/minimouse2.pcd 5 3
./iccv2011_tutorial \
dataset/minimouse/minimouse3.pcd \
dataset/minimouse/minimouse4.pcd 2 2
./iccv2011_tutorial \
dataset/minimouse/minimouse2.pcd \
dataset/minimouse/minimouse4.pcd 1 4

Try to visualize the segmented source (3), the segmented target (4), the source to taget correspondences (7) and finally the final registration (r). Here you can find some other operations available in this program:

1 - show/hide source point cloud
2 - show/hide target point cloud
3 - show/hide segmented source point cloud
4 - show/hide segmented target point cloud
5 - show/hide source key points
6 - show/hide target key points
7 - show/hide source2target correspondences
8 - show/hide target2source correspondences
9 - show/hide consistent correspondences
i - show/hide initial alignment
r - show/hide final registration
h - show visualizer options
q - quit

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