Elaborazione di dati tridimensionali
Download source files and dataset for lab2, compile and execute demo:
cd ~/projects mkdir PCL_lab2 cd PCL_lab2 svn co --username pcl \ https://robotics.dei.unipd.it/svn/iaslab/projects/lab/PCL/lab2/src .
Type the password.
mkdir dataset cd dataset svn co --username pcl \ https://robotics.dei.unipd.it/svn/iaslab/projects/lab/PCL/lab2/dataset .
If required retype the password.
rospack profile && rosstack profile roscd PCL_lab2 cmake -G"Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" rosmake PCL_lab2
You can try the program following these instructions:
roscd PCL_lab2/bin ./demo_compute_normals ./demo_compute_FPFH
cd ~/projects mkdir PCL_lab3 cd PCL_lab3 svn co --username pcl \ https://robotics.dei.unipd.it/svn/iaslab/projects/lab/PCL/lab3/src .
Type the password.
mkdir dataset cd dataset svn co --username pcl \ https://robotics.dei.unipd.it/svn/iaslab/projects/lab/PCL/lab3/dataset .
If required retype the password.
rospack profile && rosstack profile roscd PCL_lab3 cmake -G"Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" rosmake PCL_lab3
Some examples of what you can do with this program:
roscd PCL_lab3/bin ./iccv2011_tutorial \ dataset/minimouse/minimouse1.pcd \ dataset/minimouse/minimouse2.pcd 5 3 ./iccv2011_tutorial \ dataset/minimouse/minimouse3.pcd \ dataset/minimouse/minimouse4.pcd 2 2 ./iccv2011_tutorial \ dataset/minimouse/minimouse2.pcd \ dataset/minimouse/minimouse4.pcd 1 4
Try to visualize the segmented source (3), the segmented target (4), the source to taget correspondences (7) and finally the final registration (r). Here you can find some other operations available in this program:
1 - show/hide source point cloud 2 - show/hide target point cloud 3 - show/hide segmented source point cloud 4 - show/hide segmented target point cloud 5 - show/hide source key points 6 - show/hide target key points 7 - show/hide source2target correspondences 8 - show/hide target2source correspondences 9 - show/hide consistent correspondences i - show/hide initial alignment r - show/hide final registration h - show visualizer options q - quit
Preliminary steps
cd mkdir projects cd projects svn co --username pcl \ https://robotics.dei.unipd.it/svn/iaslab/projects/lab/base . rm -rf .svn
Copy the content of to_add.bashrc after your .bashrc, close your terminal and reopen it.
Start with the lab experience
cd ~/projects mkdir PCL_lab1 cd PCL_lab1 svn co --username pcl \ https://robotics.dei.unipd.it/svn/iaslab/projects/lab/PCL/lab1/src .
Type the password.
mkdir dataset cd dataset svn co --username pcl \ https://robotics.dei.unipd.it/svn/iaslab/projects/lab/PCL/lab1/dataset .
If required retype the password.
rospack profile && rosstack profile roscd PCL_lab1 cmake -G"Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" rosmake PCL_lab1
You can try the program following these instructions:
roscd PCL_lab1/bin ./demo_simple_operations
Work with Eclipse
To open Eclipse you can simply type in your terminal
eclipse &
Now, you have to import your project into Eclipse. Select File --> Import --> Existing projects into workspace, hit Next, then browse for your package's directory (select root directory). Do NOT select Copy projects into workspace. Then Finish.
You should now be able to browse through the code (hold down CTRL while clicking on a function/class name), get auto completion (automatically appears, or press CTRL-SPACE), etc.
You can find more information about use Eclipse (or other IDEs) with ROS projects at this page.
Laboratory experiences
Here you can find some links to help you in your lab experiences:
Install Base System - Lab Setup (ROS Fuerte + PCL 1.4.0 + OpenCV 2.3.1)
To install PCL stand-alone you can follow the official guide for:
You can also login to the lab machines using a PC connected to the DEI network provided with NX Client using your DEI login and password for the authentication.